Acceptable topics when conversing are the weather, sports and Australia’s positive attributes.Areas to avoid are politics, sex and religion unless the Australian you are conversing with brings these subjects up.The Port of Melbourne. Located in south east Australia, Melbourne is home to the busiest port for containerised and general cargo within Australia. Statistically The Port of Melbourne which sits on the mouth of the Yarra River handles approximately $75 billion in trade and 39% of the countries container trade each year.对于经海关核准的暂时进口货物,申报人应向海关交纳相当于税款的保证金,或提供海关认可的书面担保后,准予暂时免领进口货物许可证和免纳进口关税、产品税(或增值税)或工商统一税和其他由海关代征的税费。 3、暂时进出口货物应于货物进出口之日起六个月内全部复运出境或进境。复运出/进境后,企业需要在担保期内,凭已结关并且加盖海关签注盖章的复运出/进境货物报关单到海关办理保证金、保证函核销手续。