贝宁Shipping Agents货代拼箱

阿联酋(19)阿富汗(7)安提瓜和巴布达(2)安圭拉(3)阿尔巴尼亚(2)亚美尼亚(1)荷属安的列斯(11)安哥拉(13)南极洲(0)阿根廷(36)东萨摩亚(1)奥地利(8)澳大利亚(86)阿鲁巴(1)阿塞拜疆(4)波黑(3)巴巴多斯(2)孟加拉国(6)比利时(9)布基纳法索(3)保加利亚(9)巴林(5)布隆迪(1)贝宁(3)OUR PRIDEANCIENT takes the pride of being the Shipping Agents of the 1st Ship calling at MATARBARI PORT, Maheshkhali, Cox’s Bazar, Chattogram. The port was inaugurated and opened to International Shipping Traffic on and from 29 the Dec 2020 by the Govt and the Port Authority.OUR OTHER BUSINESSESFreight Forwarding /Consolidation/NVOCC/Clearing & Forwarding/Warehousing/Door to Door Distribution/Food Aid Transportation, Handling & Storage/Freehold Property Owning.