主要海运散货拼箱航线报价:1、欧美航线: DESTINATION/Country O/F CY ETD CARRIER T/T LA洛杉矶(美国) USD5二/四一/三CSCL/CMA 13 LB长滩(美国) USD5二/四一/三CSCL/CMA 13 FELIXSTOWE费力克斯托(英国) USD2四二CSCL 21 LONDON伦敦(英国) USD2四二CSCL 27 SOUTHAMPTON南安普顿(英国) USD2四二CSCL 27 BARCELONA巴赛罗那(西班牙) USD2三六EMC 22 GENOA热那亚(意大利) USD2四二ANL 23 2、东南亚航线:DESTINATION O/F CY ETD CARRIER T/T SINGAPORE新加坡USD2一/四五/二OOCL/WHL 4 PORT KLANG巴生港USD5一/四六/二OOCL/WHL 5 BANGKOK曼谷USD5二/四六/一YML/RCL 5 HO CHI MINH胡志明(Cat Lai)USD8一/四五/一WHL/RCL 3 MANILA (S)马尼拉(南部)USD5四/三三/五RCL/MSC 4 JAKARTA雅加达USD2四/三二/五WHL/EMC 6  全过程服务We manage the entire transportation process, including to book space for your cargo, arrange pick-up and delivery and prepare shipping document in accordance with the customs requirements for import and export shipment.FCL (Full Container Load)For the container business line , we Pan Asia, as a NVOCC  entertain excellent relations with all major container lines. We provide global port-to-port coverage and good sailing frequencies at competitive rates.LCL (Less-Than-Container Load)Our worldwide LCL-service network covers all major ports around the world. We manage and handle your shipment, providing transparency during the entire transportation process.Sea-Air Services