Besides,we pay a lot in studying customers' need and under the faith that innovation is the first productive force,we have offered our customers many timely,high-efficient logistic solutions in the aspects of Entrepot trade, Supply Chain Finance and the like.Treat as a family,Accumulation wins the world-Goglobal,will always brace our domestic and foreign friends with our open heart,honesty,politeness and carefulness.As well,try our best to create greater benefits for our clients. 航空货运单为航全航空货运专用,是经发件人或者发件人委托本公司填开的,并经发件人和本公司签章,成为航空运输合同的初步证据。 发件人必须如实填写航空货运单,对于所填内容不准确,给本公司、承运人或者对之负责的其他人造成损失的,发件人应当承当赔偿责任。 凡是国家法律、法规和有关规定禁止运输的物品,本公司不收运。 本公司从快件收运时起到交付时止,承担安全运输的责任。在此期间,如发生快件丢失、短少、变质、污染、损坏,本公司负赔偿责任。对下列原因造成的损失,本公司不负赔偿责任:(1) 不可抗力;