ship cargo, ranging from steel coil

设立海内外分公司、代表处和海外代理网络,为庞大的客户群提供以海运代理为主的海陆综合货运代理业务,服务对象包括世界跨国企业及中国当地知名企业。为满足客户对小批量货物运输的需求,汇川达物流利用多年的货运代理经验以及雄厚的客户基础,为广大客户提供海运集装箱拼箱运输服务。我们的高度服务理念、资深专业人才、先进信息系统、快速交货服务is a newly formed subsidiary company under Fortune Freight Group to provide international freight forwarding service, it has physically been in the business field since 1989 performed by former company name of Fortune Freight. FFC International Company Ltd. is located in Hong Kong and acts as the head office to provide administrative and financial supports to other wholly owned branch offices in the Taiwan and China regions. Presently, FFC International Company Ltd. owns its branch offices in Taipei, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai and Qingdao respectively. Fortune Freight Group is managed by a team of professionals who are well versed in all aspects of the transportation chain covering marketing, documentation, We ship cargo, ranging from steel coil, cosmetics, bulk cargo, garments, relief goods, chemicals, etc.Flexibility toward urgent changes from routine to urgent—regardless of the product’s size, weight, or destination.With coverage for all major ocean trade lanes between continents and high-volume lanes (ocean trade lanes) around the world including between the U.S. & Asia and Europe & the U.S., you can smoothly transport your shipments anywhere you do business.Acquire the space allocations you need by leveraging the stable, global network and relationships ready to work for you.Benefit from flexible international ocean shipping options that keep you from being locked into a sub-optimal freight allocation strategy, simplify your customs process and avoid delays.