门用来运输不加包扎的货物,如煤炭、矿石、木材、牲畜、谷物等。散装运输谷物、煤、矿砂、盐、水泥等大宗干散货物的船舶,都可以称为干散货船,或简称散货船。因为干散货船的货种单一,不需要包装成捆、成包、成箱的装载运输,不怕挤压,便于装卸,所以都是单甲板船。总载重量在50000吨以上的,一般不装起货设备。由于谷物、煤和矿砂等的积载因数(每吨货物所占的体积)相差很大,所要求的货舱容积的大小、船体的结构、布置和设备等许多方面都有所不同。因此,一般习惯上仅把装载粮食、煤等货物积载因数相近的船舶,称为散装货船Thailand airline .TG has always devote herself to provide stable and lasting frieght service with high grade. It flies direct to Bangkok and than covers more than 70 major cities worldwide.TG is the most important air brage between Thailand and other countries ,It stands even for a specail tie of culture and friendship.Turkey Airlines.TK is one of the most high-standard freight service provider.It had awarded the best air line of Europe several years. Europe,Mid-east Asia,Far-east Aisa and Africa are the strgetic regions for your choice.