自有17辆车况良好的营运车辆。其中包括:箱式货车、半挂货车、集装箱拖挂车。根据客户时间、地点的要求,由公司统一调配,保证货物安全、及时到达指定地点。 所有车辆都已足额保险,包括:货物险及第三者责任险及不计免赔险。 全方位陆路运输服务包括• 专业化的整车运输 • 专业化的零担运输 • 地区性分发配送 • 门到港,港到门,门到门的服务 • 货物追踪和查询 • 陆路运输管理 • 综合性的internet服务 • 高竞争的价格服务was a first-class freight forwarder authorized by the National Ministry of Foreigh Trade Office and The Civil Aviation Administration of China, with the registed capital of 5 million. We provide a one-stop forwarding services, relying on good software and hardware foundation, extensive network in the world, excellent management group and professional staff team, try our best to be a really professor in freight forwarding, cusoms agency,and logistics consulting services. We have Sales Department, Operation Department, Customer Service Department, Finacial Department, Logistics Deparment…. The main staffs in each departments have more than 10 years of experiences in this field. Our staffs gain praise from old and new clients with their abundent experience, excelsior attitution of service, efficient service, and also the capability to solving the problems.